But discontent in Russia is as great under Putin as it was in Ukraine under Yanukovych, and there is just as much hatred of corruption and bribe-takers. This discontent is likely to intensify as the consequences of Russia's and Putin's imperialist overreaching begin to be felt in the form of expanded budget deficits, shrinking foreign direct investment, and greater capital flight, which the exiled Russian economist Sergei Guriev notes could not come at a worse time since the Russian economy is now stagnating.
Ce mécontentement s'intensifiera vraisemblablement quand l'impérialisme gourmand de la Russie et de Poutine commencera à se faire sentir par des déficits budgétaires monstres, par l'amenuisement de l'investissement étranger direct et par l'accroissement des fuites de capitaux, ce qui, d'après l'économiste russe Sergueï Gouriev, ne pourrait se produire à un pire moment, vu la stagnation actuelle de l'économie russe.