Of course, the unemployment rate only indicates how many people want to enter the labour market. It does not consider all those people who are discouraged, who are on welfare or are trapped somewhere without benefits of any kind and have become discouraged (1020) Given the rate of unemployment and Quebec's need for a strong and vigorous economy, it is not only unacceptable, it is downright intolerable that this issue of control over manpower is once again caught in a tug of war, which prevents ordinary folks-women, men, young people, seasonal workers-anyone with needs, from getting the most out of the services they are entitled to.
Il devient même intolérable que cette question du contrôle de la politique de la main-d'oeuvre soit encore de nouveau l'objet de tiraillements qui font que le monde ordinaire, les femmes, les hommes, les jeunes, les travailleurs saisonniers, toutes les personnes qui ont des besoins ne puissent profiter des services maximum auxquels elles ont droit.