Senator Martin: Yes. The point to further add is the fact that within the European Union and the member states, with such a plan and a focus on identifying and recognizing some of the discrimination and hardships that they face, as a Canadian, I uphold our right to have that balanced approach and to be open and generous as we are but to look at the numbers and say that there are some huge discrepancies, and when the EU membership is already focusing on that, that there needs to be that better balance.
Le sénateur Martin : Oui, j'ajouterais que, si même au sein de l'Union européenne et de ses États membres il y a un tel plan reconnaissant la discrimination et les difficultés auxquelles font face certains citoyens, moi-même, en tant que canadienne, je défends le droit que nous avons d'adopter une approche équilibrée, ouverte et généreuse.