It was found that the main problem
lies in the way the Directive is applied and not, generally speaking, in the transposition of its legal requirements. In order to improve the application of the Directive, the Commission calls on the Member States to take certain measures, in particular to keep records, to make use of existing guidelines, and to introduce training for regional and local authorities. The Commission plans to adopt five initiatives: to improve screening (determining whether a specific project should be subject to an environmental impact assessment) to improve the use of
thresholds, and the ...[+++]drafting of practical guidelines and guidelines for the interpretation of the EIA Directive, to improve training for officials responsible for EIA, to take enforcement action in the event of incomplete transposition and/or poor application, and to consider possible amendments to the EIA Directive.
De son côté, elle prévoit d'adopter cinq initiatives concernant l'amélioration du « screening » (opération qui consiste à déterminer si tel ou tel projet spécifique nécessite ou non une évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement) et l'utilisation de seuils, la rédaction d'orientations pratiques et de conseils d'interprétation de la directive EIE, la formation des fonctionnaires responsables, les conséquences juridiques en cas de transposition incomplète ou de problèmes d'application, ainsi que les modifications éventuelles de la directive EIE.