So I would ask this of Mr. Eidsvik, in particular, and Ms. Logan—I think Mr. Eidsvik has already said it and I'll give a chance to Ms. Logan—if this thing were negotiated in the open and we had input, and ultimately it was voted on after we had this input and passed in something like what has come out here, would you then think, not only for yourself but the people you know and come into contact with—obviously you're coming from a particular side of this—that it would be more favourably received if in fact we'd had an opportunity to be a part of this from the beginning?
Voici donc ce que je veux demander à M. Eidsvik, en particulier, et à Mme Logan—je pense que M. Eidsvik a déjà répondu et je vais donner la chance à Mme Logan de le faire—si ce texte était négocié au grand jour et que nous ayons notre mot à dire et s'il faisait l'objet d'un vote à l'issue de nos discussions, ne pensez-vous pas que vous-mêmes et ceux que vous connaissez—vous avez vos propres attaches—feraient meilleur accueil au traité, si vous aviez fait partie du processus depuis le début?