There are new methods, including electronic options through the Internet and various other ways available to those companies to obtain consent, but in the event that it is too onerous on these companies and provides too much of a problem, the member who proposed this private member's bill has built into it a section which says that if that were to be the case, for example if a bank were not able to do this without incurring a tremendous amount of debt to provide that service, there is a provision to exempt those particular areas out of the bill.
Il y a de nouvelles méthodes pour obtenir le consentement, y compris des solutions électroniques comme Internet et divers autres moyens à la disposition des entreprises. Toutefois, si jamais ces méthodes sont trop onéreuses et présentent un trop grand problème pour ces entreprises, le député ayant proposé le projet de loi d'initiative parlementaire a prévu un article qui les exempte, par exemple si une banque est incapable d'offrir ce service sans s'endetter lourdement.