Such cooperation should guarantee that any overlap is avoided and, on this point, I shall continue to cite the texts: ‘such cooperation should guarantee that any overlap between the activities of the Agency and those of the Council of Europe are avoided’. It is therefore important for the Agency for Fundamental Rights and the institutions of the Council of Europe to try to ensure that their efforts complement one another and that the bodies in operation complement one another.
Cette coopération devrait permettre d’éviter tout chevauchement, et, là, je continue à citer les textes, «cette coopération devrait permettre d’éviter tout chevauchement entre les activités de l’Agence et celles du Conseil de l’Europe» Il est donc important que l’Agence des droits fondamentaux et les institutions du Conseil de l’Europe recherchent la complémentarité de leurs travaux et la complémentarité des instances en action.