We were friends and we were chatting and he said to me: ‘My dream, Mr Fatuzzo, is one day, when I am grown up, to become the European Ombudsman, because I want to be able to check up on what the European institutions do and, if there is any bureaucrat who is out of order, I want to be able to find that out and take action so that all the citizens of Europe have the chance to benefit from European laws’.
Nous étions amis et, tandis que nous bavardions, il me confiait : "Mon rêve, Monsieur Fatuzzo, est de devenir, un jour quand je serai grand, médiateur européen, parce que je voudrais pouvoir contrôler ce que font les institutions européennes et, s'il y a quelque administrateur malhonnête, je voudrais pouvoir le démasquer et faire en sorte que tous les citoyens européens puissent jouir des lois européennes".