Awaiting the results of a survey on the state of fish stocks in Guinean waters, the fisheries relations between the Republic of Guinea and the Community were understandably extended with only one year. It is obvious that the protocol bet
ween Guinea and the European Union is profitable for both sides. It will continue to contribute to the development of local fisheries and will thus increase the country’s food security. It will also ensure continuity of activity, at least till the end of this year, for m
uch of the European fleet in these waters. Th ...[+++]is protocol will also contribute to the conservation of the country’s fishery resources through the controlled and rational exploitation which only this type of agreement can offer.
En attendant les résultats d'une étude sur l'état des ressources halieutiques dans les eaux de la Guinée, les relations de pêche entre la République de Guinée et la Communauté ont été, comme on pouvait s'y attendre, reconduites pour une seule année. À l'évidence, le protocole entre la Guinée et l'Union européenne bénéficie aux deux parties. Il continuera de contribuer au développement des pêcheries locales et renforcera, de ce fait, la sécurité alimentaire du pays.