Everyone understands, Mrs Schroedter, ladies and gentlemen, the reasons and the time limits involved – and I shall come back to this point presently – and whatever the time limits or delays, since we are discussing this report right now, as the representative for the Commission, I consider that the report has been issued at an opportune moment with regard to the guidelines for 2000-2006 as it is now that we are starting the new regional programming.
Tout le monde comprend, Madame le Rapporteur, Mesdames, Messieurs, les raisons, les délais - j’y reviendrai dans un instant - et quels que soient ces délais ou ces retards, puisque c’est maintenant que nous discutons de ce rapport, je considère, au nom de la Commission, qu’il vient au bon moment, s’agissant des orientations 2000-2006, puisque c’est en ce moment que nous débutons la nouvelle programmation régionale.