But sometimes the impression is created that the Department of Veterans Affairs, which goes out of its way in its heart and soul and spirit to look after veterans, whether it's commemoration, whether it's a program, or whether it's giving them the benefit of the doubt.The impression is created often in the public.I've seen the exchanges, even in your own case, and I know that it wasn't intentional in your case.
Je les comprends. Mais parfois, on donne l'impression que le ministère des Anciens combattants, qui se donne vraiment beaucoup de mal pour s'occuper des anciens combattants, que ce soit la commémoration, un programme ou donner le bénéfice du doute.On donne souvent au public l'impression.J'ai lu les échanges, même dans votre cas, et je sais que chez vous, ce n'était pas délibéré.