(a) the portion of the amount that would, if this section were read without reference to this subsection, be determined under subsection (8) to be the amount to be added in computing the taxpayer’s investment tax credit at the end of the taxpayer’s taxation year in which that fiscal period ends as is considered to have arisen because of the expenditure by the partnership of an amount equal to the taxpayer’s expenditure base (as determined under subsection (8.2) in respect of the partnership) at the end of that fiscal period, and
a) la partie de la somme donnée, déterminée compte non tenu du présent paragraphe, qui est considérée comme résultant de la dépense par la société de personnes d’une somme égale à l’investissement de base du contribuable, déterminé selon le paragraphe (8.2) relativement à la société de personnes, à la fin de l’exercice en cause;