9. Is aware of the significant ideological and conceptual disparities which exist in the debate about prostitution and urges that all the various opinions be heard; takes the view that, in particular, the views of the women involved should be heard in the debate; takes the view, further, that, when grants are being awarded to NGOs and when expert groups are being constituted with a view to improving the quality of the debate, care must be taken to ensure that the work of the NGOs and expert groups is carried out in a manner which is as transparent as possible;
9. est conscient des grandes différences idéologiques et conceptuelles qui interviennent dans le débat sur la prostitution et demande que ces opinions diverses ainsi que la vision des femmes concernées y soient représentées. Estime en outre que, eu égard aux subventions allouées aux ONG et à la constitution de groupes d'experts en vue de promouvoir la qualité du débat, il convient de veiller à ce que leur travail soit effectué de la façon la plus transparente possible;