At the same time, it
avoids the need for imprisonment, together with its major drawbacks (in 1996 in France 2000 people who had been
detained on remand were later acquitted or discharged; however, the damage done
to their personal, family, professional and social lives will never be made up for). Furthermore, from an administrative point of view, it is much easier and much less costly to leave someone at liberty, even under survei
...[+++]llance, than to hold him in prison.
Elle évite cependant l"incarcération et ses graves inconvénients (en France, en 1996, 2.000 personnes qui avaient fait l"objet d"une incarcération préventive se sont trouvées acquittées ou ont bénéficié d"un non-lieu ..., mais l"atteinte personnelle, familiale, professionnelle, sociale reste indélébile), sachant au surplus qu"il est beaucoup plus facile sur le plan administratif et beaucoup moins onéreux de laisser un homme en liberté, même surveillée que de le maintenir en prison.