However, the President noted that there were divergent points of view as to the means of funding access for schools to such services: some delegations wanted to be able to mobilize universal service funds, whilst others felt that such an extension of the concept of "universal service" was unjustified. Lastly, several delegations felt that the issue should be studied in the light of experience and re-examined, for example, when implementation of the universal service in the telecommunications sector was being evaluated.
En revanche, le Pr sident a constat des points de vues divergents quant aux moyens de financer l'acc s des coles ces services: certaines d l gations souhaitent pouvoir mobiliser cet effet les fonds du service universel; en revanche, d'autres estiment qu'une telle extension de la notion de "service universel" n'est pas justifi e. Enfin, plusieurs d l gations ont estim que cette question devait tre tudi e la lumi re de l'exp rience et r examin e par exemple lors de l' valuation de la mise en oeuvre du service universel dans le secteur des t l communications.