Mr. Vic Toews: It appears that with the sponsorship files there was really no input from colleagues, because the executive director had control of those files personally, or the small cadre of people around him, including his administrative assistant, would have had control (1715) Mr. David Myer: Speaking from my responsibilities as DG of procurement, I certainly had no input whatsoever into the sponsorship program.
M. Vic Toews: Il semble qu'il n'y ait pas vraiment eu de contribution des collègues en ce qui concerne les dossiers de commandites, puisque le directeur administratif, ou son petit cercle de collaborateurs, y compris son adjointe administrative, les contrôlait (1715) M. David Myer: En tant que directeur général responsable des acquisitions, je n'avais certes rien à voir avec le programme des commandites.