It seems that those imports were justified for fisheries enhancement reasons; however, now that the farmers want to import seed stocks the opportunity is denied. This is in spite of the fact that there is no evidence that we have been able to find that shows that the geoduck stocks in Puget Sound, Washington are any different from those in Georgia Strait, B.C. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that they are the same.
Apparemment, c'était justifié pour améliorer les stocks, mais maintenant que les conchyliculteurs veulent importer des stocks de reproduction, on les empêche de le faire, et ce, en dépit du fait que l'on n'ait pu trouver aucune preuve que les stocks de panope de Puget Sound, dans l'État de Washington, diffèrent de ceux du détroit de Georgie, en Colombie-Britannique.