Well, I'm always open to hearing suggestions and ideas, and certainly amendments or suggestions are welc
ome, but I will say that I believe the bill as it exists certainly does provide the ability.When we're dealing with these kinds of situations where rocks are being thrown through windows, police ca
rs are being set on fire, and innocent individuals are being assaulted, these are not the kinds of situations
that a law-abiding citizen generally is lookin ...[+++]g to be a part of.
Est-ce que vous le feriez? Eh bien, je suis réceptif aux idées et j'accueillerai volontiers des amendements ou des propositions, mais je dirai que je crois que le projet de loi, dans sa version actuelle, permet certainement.En général, l'honnête citoyen évite ce genre de situation, où on lance des pierres dans les vitres, on incendie les voitures de police, on agresse des innocents.