If this $2.8 billion figure is anywhere near accurate and truthful as the truth now stands in the mind of the hon. member for Joliette then I would strongly suggest it may
be time to set the alarm bells ringing over this one (1850 ) The argum
ents that have been floating around in favour of publicly funded high speed rail lines are always the same ones we end up hearing when requests for government handouts come up, something to the effect of ``do not worry, Mr. Prime Minister, sure you are putting up a big chunk of money but do not be
...[+++] concerned. This is a profitable enterprise and we are going to cut you a chunk of the profits''.Si ce montant de 2,8 milliards de dollars est réaliste comme semble le croire le député de Joliette, je crois qu'il est grand temps de sonner l'alarme (1850) Les arguments que nous avons entendus en faveur des trains à grande vitesse financés par l'État sont ceux qui reviennent sans cesse lorsqu'on demande des cadeaux au gouvernement.