The Roman Catholic Church and the Pentecostal Church, in a document entitled " Response of The Catholic Education Council and The Pentecostal Education Council to Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Backgrounder Newfoundland Referendum to Amend Term 17," dated March 10, 1996, inform us that their legal counsel, Colin K. Irving of the firm of McMaster Meighen in Montreal and Michael Harrington of the firm of Stewart McKelvey Sterling and Scales in St. John's, are of the following opinion:
L'Église catholique romaine et l'Église pentecôtiste nous informent, dans un document intitulé: Response of The Catholic Education Council and The Pentecostal Education Council to Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Backgrounder Newfoundland Referendum to Amend Term 17, daté du 10 mars 1996, que leurs avocats, Colin K. Irving de la firme McMaster Meighen de Montréal et Michael Harrington de la firme Stewart McKelvey Sterling and Scales de St. John's, pensent ce qui suit: