[22] For a detailed analysis of the ongoing deleveraging, including on the deleveraging modes (active, passive and unsuccessful) and drivers, and lingering deleveraging needs in the euro area's households and corporates, see 'Private Sector Deleveraging: Where Do We Stand?' Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, 2014(3):7-19, and 'Private Sector Deleveraging: Outlook and Implication for the Forecast,' box 1.2, in 'European Economic Forecast-Autumn 2014,' op.cit.:44-8.
[22] Pour une analyse détaillée du désendettement en cours, y compris sur les modes de désendettement (actif, passif et infructueux), les facteurs du désendettement des ménages et des entreprises de la zone euro, et le volume de désendettement encore nécessaire chez ces derniers, voir «Private Sector Deleveraging: Where Do We Stand?» Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, 2014(3):7-19, et «Box I. 2: Private Sector Deleveraging: Outlook and Implication for the Forecast» in «European Economic Forecast-Autumn 2014», op.cit.:44-8.