We are now proposing a much simpler text, which reads, four years of experience or a doctorate, and is therefore along the same lines as the amendment that you are tabling in plenary. This is the crucial point, and I think that you were right to stress the fact that where we wrote ‘including’, this was not perhaps sufficiently clear and that it was therefore better to replace ‘including’ with ‘or’, which is much simpler.
Nous vous proposons donc un texte beaucoup plus simple encore, à savoir quatre ans d'expérience ou le doctorat, ce qui irait dans le sens de l'amendement que vous déposez en plénière, car c'est là le point sensible, et je crois que vous avez bien fait de mettre l'accent sur le fait que notre including n'était peut-être pas suffisamment clair et que, donc, il vaut mieux or, plutôt que including, ce qui serait plus simple.