[In addition to the application of all regulatory control mechanisms, DG SANCO will devise an ant
i-fraud strategy in line with the Commission's anti-fraud strategy (CAFS) adopted on 24 June 2011 in order to ensure inter alia that its internal anti-fraud related controls are fully aligned with the CASF and that its fraud risk management approach is geared to identify fraud risk areas and adequate responses. Where necessary, networking groups an
d adequate IT tools dedicated to analysing fraud cases related to the financing implementing
...[+++]activities of the Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation will be set up. In particular a series of measures will be put in place such as: - decisions, agreements and contracts resulting from the financing implementing activities of the Regulation will expressly entitle the Commission, including OLAF, and the Court of Auditors to conduct audits, on-the-spot checks and inspections; - during the evaluation phase of a call for proposals/tender, the proposers and tenderers are checked against the published exclusion criteria based on declarations and the Early Warning System (EWS); - the rules governing the eligibility of costs will be simplified in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulation; - regular training on issues related to fraud and irregularities is given to all staff involved in contract management as well as to auditors and controllers who verify the beneficiaries' declarations on the spot.- les décisions, conventions et contrats résultant du financement des activités liées à l’application du règlement habiliteront expressément la Commission, y compris l’OLAF, et la Cour des comptes à réaliser des audits, des vérifications sur place et des inspections; - pendant l’évaluation des propositions ou offres reçues à la suite d’un appel, les candidats et soumissionnaires
seront évalués à l’aune des critères d’exclusion publiés, sur la base de déclarations et du système d’alerte précoce; - les règles régissant l’admissibilité des dépenses seront simplifiées conformément aux dispositions du règlement financier; - l’ensemble du p
...[+++]ersonnel participant à la gestion des contrats ainsi que les auditeurs et les contrôleurs qui vérifient les déclarations des bénéficiaires sur place bénéficieront régulièrement de formations concernant la fraude et les irrégularités.