I therefore believe that, along with the Heads of State or Government, who are going to discuss tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and are going to say ‘Yes, we are going to tweak the Tre
aty, and the crisis fund, which should normally be enlarged – whi
ch is what everyone else is c
alling for – may be made permanent’, I believe that the time has come for the Commission to put forward as quickly as possible a package that is much more significant, courageous, global and cohe
...[+++]rent as far as that approach is concerned.
Je crois par conséquent qu’à côté des chefs de gouvernement qui vont discuter demain et après-demain et qui vont dire «Oui, on va un peu changer le traité et on va peut-être rendre permanent le fonds de crise qu’il faut normalement élargir, comme tous les autres le demandent», je crois que le moment est venu pour la Commission de déposer le plus vite possible un paquet beaucoup plus important, courageux, global et cohérent sur cette approche là, et comportant ces quatre éléments là.