Hon. Tony Valeri: In terms of the question, I think it's a very valid question, because it would certainly come to the minds of most people as they look at how we reacted to 9/11, what does this now mean to another mode of Mr. Charles Hubbard: Before that, though, Mr. Minister, I asked about the commitment for passenger service in rail, if that's been held off for one year or is it off the table for future commitments toward passenger travel.
L'hon. Tony Valeri: Pour répondre à la question, elle me semble tout à fait pertinente, car en voyant comment nous avons réagi aux événements du 11 septembre, on se demande aujourd'hui ce que pourrait signifier le terrorisme pour les autres modes. M. Charles Hubbard: Avant cela, monsieur le ministre, j'ai posé une question concernant les engagements envers le transport ferroviaire de passagers.