Hospitals in Quebec, like hospitals in other provinces faced with the same problems and resorting to the same expedients, are selling their laboratory services -I read that recently, perhaps you did too-to the private sector in order to get cash to be able to provide services to people. You have to understand that if hospitals have to provide services without having the funds to do so, they have to find solutions that I would say are creative, although they are, in a way, creating a two-tier system of health care, whereby those who can afford it get the results of their tests fast, while others have to wait for them.
Les hôpitaux, et j'imagine que ceux des autres provinces ont les même problèmes et, par conséquent, trouvent les mêmes solutions que ceux du Québec, les hôpitaux vendent leurs services, entre autres, de laboratoire-je lisais, récemment, peut-être que vous en faisiez autant-vendent leurs services de laboratoire à l'entreprise privée pour obtenir des fonds afin de pouvoir rendre leurs services à la population en général.