Today as witnesses we have, from the Anishinabek Nation Union of Ontario Indians, John Beaucage, grand council chief; from Barreau du Québec, we have David Schulze, a lawyer with Hutchins, Caron & Associés, and Nicole Dufour, a lawyer in the research and legislation service; and from the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, we have Deputy Grand Chief RoseAnne Archibald.
Nos témoins d'aujourd'hui sont John Beaucage, chef du Grand Conseil, de la nation Anishinabek, David Schulze, du Barreau du Québec, avocat chez Hutchins, Caron & Associés et Nicole Dufour, avocate au Service de recherche et législation, et enfin RoseAnne Archibald, grand chef adjoint de la nation Nishnawbe Aski.