However, as much as he will be remembered for his political accomplishments, he will be remembered as well as a devoted husband to his wife, Bobbie, and a wonderful father to his children, Pam, Wendy, Wayne, Bill, Todd and Lisa, and an exceptional grandfather to his nine grandchildren, all of whom have wonderful memories of their visits to the Merrithew farm at the head of the Belleisle Bay, affectionately known as " the farm" .
Certes on se souviendra de lui pour ses réalisations politiques, mais tout aussi bien comme ayant été le dévoué mari de sa femme Bobbie, comme le merveilleux père de ses enfants, Pam, Wendy, Wayne, Bill, Todd et Lisa, et comme le grand-père exceptionnel de neuf petits-enfants, qui gardent tous un souvenir extraordinaire de leurs visites à la ferme Merrithew, communément appelée « la ferme », au bout de la baie de Belleisle.