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AOAC International
Association of Analytical Communities
Association of Offical Agricultural Chemists
Association of Offical Analytical Chemists
Communication manager
Communication practitioner
Communications associate
Community-acquired MRSA
Community-associated MRSA
Graphic Arts Association
Graphic Arts International Union
Graphic Communications Association
Graphic Communications Computer Association
IPMA-A Graphic Communications Management Association
In-Plant Management Association
In-Plant Printing Management Association
International Council of Graphic Design Associations
Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union
PIA Computer Section
Public relations manager
Schengen Association Agreement
UHF communication associated equipment
VHF communication associated equipment

Vertaling van "graphic communications association " (Engels → Frans) :

Graphic Communications Association [ GCA | PIA Computer Section | Graphic Communications Computer Association ]

Graphic Communications Association [ GCA | PIA Computer Section | Graphic Communications Computer Association ]

Graphic Arts International Union [ International Printing and Graphic Communications Union | Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union | Graphic Arts Association ]

Syndicat international des arts graphiques

In-Plant Management Association [ IPMA | In-Plant Printing Management Association | IPMA-A Graphic Communications Management Association ]

In-Plant Management Association [ IPMA | In-Plant Printing Management Association | IPMA-A Graphic Communications Management Association ]

International Council of Graphic Design Associations | ICOGRADA [Abbr.]

Conseil international d'associations graphiques | Conseil international des Associations de Design graphique

AOAC International | Association of Analytical Communities | Association of Offical Agricultural Chemists | Association of Offical Analytical Chemists | AOAC [Abbr.]

Association des chimistes analytiques officiels | AOAC International [Abbr.]

communications associate | public relations manager | communication manager | communication practitioner

directeur de la communication | directrice de la communication | directeur de la communication/directrice de la communication | responsable de communication en entreprise

community-acquired MRSA | community-associated MRSA | CA-MRSA [Abbr.]

SARM d'origine communautaire

VHF communication associated equipment

équipement constitutif de la transmission VHF

UHF communication associated equipment

équipement constitutif de la transmission UHF

Agreement of 26 October 2004 between the Swiss Confederation, the European Union and the European Community on the Swiss Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis | Schengen Association Agreement [ SAA ]

Accord du 26 octobre 2004 entre la Confédération suisse, l'Union européenne et la Communauté européenne sur l'association de la Confédération suisse à la mise en oeuvre, à l'application et au développement de l'acquis de Schengen | Accord d'association à Schengen [ AAS ]
Gosselin and Associates Strategic Communications Inc. was an integrated communications firm; that means that it provided to the 15 or so clients it served a full range of communication services: strategic planning, writing, artistic creation, graphic design, media relations, public relations, crisis management, event management and, of course, sponsorship management.

Gosselin et Associés Communications stratégiques inc. était une compagnie de communication intégrée; c'est-à-dire qu'elle offrait à sa quinzaine de clients une panoplie de services de communication: planification stratégique, rédaction, création artistique, conception graphique, relations médias, relations publiques, gestion de crise, gestion d'événements et, bien sûr, gestion de commandites.
