In the past, for all kinds of very compassionate reasons, we had in particular accepted the fact that there were women who had arrived with their husbands, children, etc. and who had remained confined in their home and, after residing in Quebec for many years—because these are the cases that I am familiar with—, ended up in an old age home where they were cut off from their families, and were unable to say one word in either French or English.
Antérieurement, pour toutes sortes de raisons très humaines, on a accepté notamment que des femmes qui arrivaient avec leurs maris, leurs enfants, etc., et qui étaient confinées dans leurs maisons se retrouvent en résidence après avoir vécu au Québec pendant de longues années parce que c'est celles-là que je connais , privées de leurs familles, incapables de dire un seul mot de français et d'anglais.