I was very happy to hear other members say that to leave all that power in the hands of the minister was dangerous, as some bleeding is occurring and God knows when it will stop. Here is my conclusion: This government is hog-tied thanks to friends of the system who, year after year, continue to fill the campaign coffers of both the Liberal and the Conservative parties (1745) And I will remind hon. members that the Leader of the Opposition very clearly demonstrated this morning that the five largest Canadian banks split their donations fifty-fifty between both traditional parties, handing out almost half a million dollars, that is $250,000 to the Liberal Party and $250,000 to the Conservative Party.
Ce gouvernement a les pieds et les mains liés par les amis du régime qui, année après année, garnissent la caisse électorale du Parti libéral comme celle du Parti conservateur (1745) Et je rappellerai que le chef de l'opposition nous a fait une excellente démonstration ce matin, en nous montrant que les cinq plus grandes banques du Canada donnaient à peu près 50-50, à peu près un demi-million de dollars, 250 000 dollars au Parti libéral et 250 000 dollars au Parti conservateur.