The aids announced here are supplementary to those announced in July 1987 amounting to a total of 82.39 million ECU, which was shared out among the Member States as follows: Member State Amount granted in ECU Steel Coal Total ---------------------------------------------------- Belgium 2.882.750 - 2.882.750 Germany 3.520.000 17.461.000 20.981.000 France - 10.118.750 10.118.750 Netherlands 1.132.500 - 1.132.500 United Kingdom 8.492.000 38.784.750 47.276.750 ---------------------------------------------------- Total 16.027.250 66.364.500 82.391.750
Les aides annoncées aujourd'hui sont complémentaires de celles annoncées en juillet 1987 pour un montant total de 82,39 millions d'ECU qui était réparti entre Etats membres comme suit : Etat membre Montant octroye en ECU Siderurg. Charbon Total --------------------------------------------- Belgique 2.882.750 - 2.882.750 RFA 3.520.000 17.461.000 20.981.000 France - 10.118.750 10.118.750 Pays-Bas 1.132.500 - 1.132.500 Royaume-Uni 8.492.000 38.784.750 47.276.750 ------------------------------------------------ Total 16.027.250 66.364.500 82.391.750