While wa
ter quantity in the Lake of the Woods is la
rgely governed by a Canadian board, which is the Lake of the Woods Water Control Board, and sometimes the International Lake of the Woods Water Control Board if levels are t
oo high or too low, this motion is about the lake's water quality
for which there has been relatively little g ...[+++]overnance compared to other transboundary waters between Canada and the U.S. Currently, Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources samples the lake annually and Ontario's Ministry of the Environment has also
been involved in water quality monitoring and enforcement, b
ut there has been a growing concern over contaminants over the years with nutrient loading and erosion introducing phosphorous into the lake, especially on the southern shore, creating eutrophication.
Bien que la qualité de l'eau du lac des Bois relè
ve d'une commission canadienne, la Commission de contrôle du lac des Bois, et, lorsque le
s niveaux sont trop hauts ou trop bas, de la Commission internationale de contrôle du lac des Bois, la motion concerne la gestion de la qualité de l'eau, qui laisse à désirer comparativement à la gestion de la qualité de l'eau des autres plans d'eau à la frontière canado-amér
...[+++]icaine. En ce moment, le ministère des Richesses naturelles de l'Ontario prélève chaque année des échantillons de l'eau du lac.