I. recalling the continued imprisonment of other journalists for the mere exercise of their right to freedom of expression, notably Akbar Ganji, Hassan Yussefi Eshkevari, Hossein Ghazian, Abbas Abdi, Reza Alidjani, Taghi Rahmani, Hoda Rezazadeh-Saber, Iraj Jamshidi and Ensalfali Hedayat,
I. rappelant que sont maintenus en détention d'autres journalistes, notamment Akbar Ganji, Hassan Yussefi Eshkevari, Hossein Ghazian, Abbas Abdi, Reza Alidjani, Taghi Rahmani, Hoda Rezazadeh-Saber, Iraj Jamshidi et Ensalfali Hedayat, qui ont simplement exercé leur droit à la liberté d'expression,