I would like to illustrate this sentiment with a quotation from the works of a great European and a great French writer, Charles Secondat de Montesquieu: '.if I had known something useful for my family that was not so for my nation, I would have sought to forget it; if I had known something useful for my country that would have been prejudicial for Europe, or which would have been useful to Europe but prejudicial for the human race, I would have rejected it as a crime'.
Je voudrais exprimer ce sentiment par une citation, extraite des Cahiers d'un grand européen et d'un grand Français, Charles de Secondat de Montesquieu : "Si je savais une chose utile à ma famille mais non à ma patrie, je chercherais à l'oublier. Si je savais une chose utile à ma patrie mais nuisible pour l'Europe, ou bien utile à l'Europe mais nuisible pour le genre humain, je la regarderais comme un crime".