Progress can be fast, but there are occasions when setbacks
are experienced. I have to say quite frankly
though, that if we review the relationship between Latin America and the European Union in recent years, taking into account that the Madrid Summit was only the second of its kind, we can appreciate that this is a relatively new process. A date has already been set, however, for the third summit, in Mexico, which will take place in two years’ time. Consequently the interval between summits is now shorter, and we can assume the rela
...[+++]tionship has become established. I agree that a great many meetings and significant public ceremonies are crammed into the day or day and a half a summit lasts. It is however important not to overlook the preparatory work which begins long before a summit. In this case, the work was triggered by Parliament and pursued determinedly by the Commission.
En outre, je voudrais dire qu’il est vrai que, lors des sommets, on concentre sur un jour ou un jour et demi une grande quantité de réunions ou d’actes ayant une répercussion publique, mais qu’un travail très soutenu est fourni durant une longue période et que, dans le cas de ce sommet, ce travail a bénéficié de l’impulsion de ce Parlement et a été réalisé avec ténacité par la Commission.