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Actual radius of the earth
Albedo of the Earth
Albedo of the planet Earth
Earth's albedo
Effective Earth's radius
Effective radius of the Earth
Healing earth
Healing the Earth
Let the earth heal itself
Real radius of the earth
Support the healing process related to sexual assault
The path to healing
True earth radius

Vertaling van "healing the earth " (Engels → Frans) :

Healing the Earth Conference: Women Set Strategies for the Environment [ Healing the Earth ]

«Healing the Earth» Conference: Women Set Strategies for the Environment [ Healing the Earth ]

facilitate the healing process related to sexual assaults | support the healing process related to sexual assault | facilitate the healing process related to sexual assault | facilitate the healing processes related to sexual assaults

faciliter le processus de guérison après une agression sexuelle

A variant of self-healing collodion baby with manifestation of the presence at birth of a collodion membrane only at the extremities. Only 2 cases were described in the literature. In both cases, the babies healed soon after birth. In one case, molec

bé collodion à guérison spontanée, forme acrale

A rare idiopathic skin disease with characteristics of widespread, congenital, superficial erosions and vesicles (often involving more than 75% of the body) which heal leaving scars with a supple, symmetrical, reticulated pattern, frequently resultin

dermatose érosive et vésiculaire congénitale

actual radius of the earth | effective Earth's radius | effective radius of the Earth | real radius of the earth | true earth radius

rayon réel de la terre | rayon terrestre réel

The path to healing: report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues [ The path to healing ]

Sur le chemin de la guérison : rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur la santé et les questions sociales [ Sur le chemin de la guérison ]

albedo of the Earth | albedo of the planet Earth | Earth's albedo

albédo de la Terre

A primary immunodeficiency characterized by neutrophilia with severe neutrophil dysfunction, leukocytosis, a predisposition to bacterial infections and poor wound healing, including an absence of pus in infected areas. The disease is due to a point d

syndrome d'immunodéficience neutrophile
The name, Algonquin Mother Earth Water Walk, speaks of the need to start healing Mother Earth through her waters.

Nous avons choisi le nom de la manifestation, la Algonquin Mother Earth Water Walk, pour évoquer la nécessité de guérir la mère nature au moyen de ses eaux.

They are offering tobacco and prayers to the four directions, to our Creator, to Mother Earth, prayers of appreciation and gratitude, asking the plants to share themselves in a healing way with those who become ill.

Ils offrent du tabac et des prières aux quatre points cardinaux, à notre créateur, à la Terre notre mère, des prières de reconnaissance et de gratitude, et ils demandent aux plantes médicinales de partager leur don de guérison avec ceux qui sont malades.

The people believe the creator placed them in this area to protect, respect and live in harmony with all the creator's handiwork — the earth and the animals who give them life, the trees and the rivers for food, transportation and protection, and the plants that provided food and medicine to heal them.

Ces gens croient que le Créateur les a placés à cet endroit pour protéger son œuvre entière — c'est-à-dire la terre et les animaux qui leur donnent vie, les arbres et les rivières qui leur procurent nourriture, moyen de se déplacer et protection, ainsi que les plantes qui leur permettent de se nourrir et de se soigner — pour respecter cette oeuvre et pour vivre en harmonie avec elle.

Aboriginal people have a wealth of experience in traditional approaches to a multitude of disciplines, from the earth sciences to holistic healing to dispute resolution.

Les autochtones ont un trésor d'expérience dans l'approche traditionnelle d'une multitude de disciplines, depuis les sciences de la terre jusqu'aux soins de santé holistiques en passant par le règlement des différends.

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For this reason, we honour and respect traditional healers, traditional medicines from the earth and the healing ceremonies of our peoples.

C'est pourquoi nous honorons et respectons les guérisseurs traditionnels, les médecines traditionnelles de la terre et les cérémonies de guérison que pratiquent nos peuples.

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Date index: 2020-12-15