However even urban Canadians are now saying that when they fought this back in the 1997 election, they thought it was the right thing to do. Now that the price tag is $400 million and it might even get to as high as $800 million, they are saying that perhaps we were right back in 1997, that it was a bad idea and that we were concentrating on the wrong element of society.
Les citadins qui ont défendu cette mesure aux élections de 1997 pensaient alors que c'était la bonne solution, mais, maintenant que la facture est de 400 millions de dollars et risque de s'élever jusqu'à 800 millions, même eux avouent que nous avions peut-être raison, en 1997, que l'idée était mauvaise et que nous ne nous en prenions pas au bon segment de la société.