Sale of Airbus Aircraft to Air Canada-Settlement in Libel Action to Former Prime Minister-Investigation and Identification of Agency at Fault-Government Position Hon. David
Tkachuk: Honourable senators, before I follow up on that s
ubject, I would say this: I know that Senator Graham is
new to his job, but perhaps when Senator Oliver asked his ...[+++] question about overturning a ruling of the CRTC, it would have been more helpful if Senator Graham had directed Senator
Oliver to call Mr. Chrétien at Power Corporation.
L'honorable David Tkachuk: Honorables sénateurs, avant de faire le point sur cette question, je voudrais dire ceci: je sais que le sénateur Graham occupe ses nouvelles fonctions depuis peu, mais quand le sénateur Oliver lui a posé sa question au sujet de l'annulation de la décision du CRTC, il aurait peut-être mieux valu que le sénateur Graham recommande au sénateur Oliver de téléphoner à M. Chrétien, à Power Corporation.