He had a deep respect for John Diefenbaker and his progressive views on human dignity and rights, including his courageous stand as Prime Minister when he challenged the Commonwealth on apartheid in South Africa, so much so that he succumbed to Mr. Diefenbaker's urgings and in 1965, with the support of local Progressive Conservatives in Hamilton, took a leap and ran for office. This is when I met this towering figure and wonderfully positive human being.
Il avait un grand respect pour John Diefenbaker et ses idées progressistes en matière de dignité et de droits de la personne, y compris lorsque, premier ministre, il a contesté la politique d'apartheid du Commonwealth en Afrique du Sud, un si grand respect que, devant son insistance et fort de l'appui des progressistes-conservateurs d'Hamilton, en 1965, il a fait le grand saut et s'est présenté aux élections.