So without costing the federal treasury any mone
y, it's possible to actually eliminate federal corporate ta
xes in that region, which would leave you with provincial corporate tax rates in the 12% range, which, coincidentally, is the same as Ireland's. Basically, it would give you corporate tax rates in the realm of Ir
eland's. If you ask yourself the question, which would create greater ...[+++] levels of economic growth and prosperity in Atlantic Canada, bureaucrats and politicians picking winners from losers or the most competitive corporate tax rate in North America and one of the most competitive in the world, I think the answer is pretty self-evident.
Donc, sans que cela coûte un seul sous au Trésor fédéral, on pourrait supprimer totalement l'impôt fédéral sur les sociétés dans la région, ce qui laisserait subsister uniquement le taux provincial aux alentours de 12 p. 100, soit le même qu'en Irlande, curieusement. En gros, on se retrouverait avec des taux d'imposition des sociétés au voisinage de ceux d'Irlande.