I do not wish to make any political points because it would be very difficult to find a common political point in this group; but I do want to point out what unites all the members of the Non-attached Group, which is that we look to you for fairness, we look to you for reasonable treatment, we look to you to recognise people in this part of the House when they speak and we look to you to recognise that although many of us may be awkward, we are nonetheless democrats and we nonetheless wish to play a part in the workings of this House.
Je ne veux pas avancer d'argument politique parce qu'il serait très difficile, sur le plan politique, de trouver un point commun au sein de ce groupe mais je voudrais relever ce qui unit tous les membres du groupe des non-inscrits. Nous attendons de vous un traitement équitable, un traitement raisonnable.