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Act as a relay vis-à-vis civil society
Alien Labour Act
COSTI-IIAS Immigrant Services
Cowichan Intercultural Society
Cowichan Valley Intercultural & Immigrant Aid Society
Immigration Act
Immigration Aid Societies Act
Immigration Appeal Board Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Italian Immigrant Aid Society

Traduction de «immigration aid societies act » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act [ IRPA | An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger | Immigration Act | Immigration Act, 1976 | Immigration Aid Societies Act | Immigration Appeal Board Act | Alien Labour Act ]

Loi sur l'immigration et la protection des réfugiés [ LIPR | Loi concernant l'immigration au Canada et l'asile conféré aux personnes déplacées, persécutées ou en danger | Loi sur l'immigration | Loi sur l'immigration, 1976 | Loi sur les sociétés auxiliatrices de l'immigration | Loi sur la Commission d'appel de l'immigratio ]

Cowichan Intercultural Society [ CIS | Cowichan Valley Intercultural & Immigrant Aid Society ]

Cowichan Intercultural Society [ CIS | Cowichan Valley Intercultural & Immigrant Aid Society ]

COSTI-IIAS Immigrant Services [ COSTI | Italian Immigrant Aid Society ]

COSTI-IIAS Immigrant Services

publicising acts and other texts adopted in the field of asylum and immigration

publicité des actes et autres textes adoptés dans le domaine de l'asile et de l'immigration

act as a relay vis-à-vis civil society

servir de relais à l'égard de la société civile

surveyor appointed by or acting on behalf of classification society

expert de la société de classification
For the record they are: Association for Learning and Preserving of the History of WWII in Asia, ALPHA; Belarusan Canadian Coordinating Committee; Buddhist Communities of Greater Toronto; Canadian Arab Federation; Canadian Islamic Congress; Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society; Council of the Muslim Community of Canada; Cypriot Canadian Federation; Federation of Associations of Canadians Tamils; Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations; Hellenic Canadian Congress; Hellenic Committee for Human Rights and National Issu ...[+++]

Aux fins du compte rendu, voici la liste de ces organisations: Association for Learning and Preserving of the History of WWII in Asia; Belarusan Canadian Coordinating Committee; Buddhist Community of Greater Toronto; Fédération Canado-Arabe; Canadian Islamic Congress; Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society; Council of Muslim Communities of Canada; Cypriot Federation of Canada; Federation of Associations of Canadians Tamils; Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations; Hellenic Canadian Congress; Hellenic Committee for Hum ...[+++]

Witnesses: From the Chinese Canadian National Council: Jonas Ma, President; Rupert Yeung, Member, Ottawa Chapter of the Chinese Canadian National Council. From the Ukrainian Canadian Congress: Eugene Czolij, President; Eugen Duvalko, Executive Director, Canada Ukraine Immigrant Aid society.

Témoins: Du Conseil national des canadiens chinois: Jonas Ma, Président; Rupert Yeung, Membre, Chapitre d'Ottawa du Conseil National des canadiens chinois.Du Congrès des Ukrainiens-Canadiens: Eugene Czolij, Président; Eugen Duvalko, Directeur général, " Canada Ukraine Immigrant Aid society" .

– (EL) Mr President, Madam President-in-Office of the Council, I should like to ask if provision will be made for structures through which European citizens will be able to express an opinion on the integration of immigrants from third countries, so that there is subsequently mutual acceptance and mutual respect, with the objective of the better integration of immigrants into society.

- (EL) Monsieur le Président, Madame la Présidente en exercice du Conseil, je voudrais demander si des structures sont prévues pour permettre aux citoyens européens d’exprimer leur avis sur l’intégration des immigrés originaires de pays tiers, de sorte à assurer l’acceptation réciproque et le respect mutuel, dans l’objectif d’une meilleure intégration des immigrés dans la société.

in the case of the United Kingdom: incorporated companies limited by shares or by guarantee or unlimited societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, societies registered or incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act, 'the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's'.

pour le Royaume-Uni: incorporated companies limited by shares or by guarantee or unlimited societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, societies registered or incorporated under the Friendly Societies Acts, association de souscripteurs connue sous le nom de "Lloyd's".

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Does the Commission support the successful Spanish regularisation programme as a way of ending illegal employment and integrating illegal immigrants into society by granting them full rights?

La Commission appuie-t-elle cette entreprise réussie de régularisation de la situation des immigrants en Espagne, visant à éliminer les emplois illégaux et à intégrer les immigrants qui se trouvaient en situation irrégulière en leur donnant accès à tous les droits?

Does the Council support the successful Spanish regularisation programme as a way of ending illegal employment and integrating illegal immigrants into society by granting them full rights?

Le Conseil appuie-t-il cette entreprise réussie de régularisation de la situation des immigrants en Espagne, visant à éliminer les emplois illégaux et à intégrer les immigrants qui se trouvaient en situation irrégulière en leur donnant accès à tous les droits?

These guests are members of the Bois-de-Boulogne self-help group, Middle-East Immigrant Aid Society in Canada.

Il s'agit d'un groupe d'entraide Bois de Boulogne, Société d'aide aux immigrants du Moyen-Orient au Canada.

4. Welcomes the search for constructive solutions to the problems associated with immigration whose aims, in addition to the controls and limits needed for successful integration, also include respect for human rights and international legal standards and the position of legitimate immigrants in society;

4. souhaite que l'on recherche, à la problématique des migrations, des solutions constructives, qui visent à garantir non seulement le pilotage et la limitation nécessaires pour une intégration réussie, mais aussi la défense des droits de l'homme, le respect des normes juridiques internationales et le statut des immigrés légaux dans la société;

It was founded as a result of the great emergency of World War I and since then has provided supportive services in Canada (1110 ) The CJC set up an Immigrant Aid Society and has helped to sustain German-Jewish relief funds.

Il a été fondé devant l'urgence extrême que créait la Première Guerre mondiale et, depuis, il fournit des services de soutien au Canada (1110) Le Congrès juif du Canada a fondé une société d'aide pour les immigrants et a aidé à alimenter le fonds d'aide germano-juif.

I will call up the Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society, the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators, and the Organization of Professional Immigration Consultants Inc., as well as Toronto City Council Working Group on Immigration and Refugee Issues.

Nos témoins suivants représentent la Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society, l'Alliance canadienne des organismes de réglementation de la physiothérapie, l'Organization of Professional Immigration Consultants Inc., ainsi que le conseil de la Ville de Toronto (Working Group on Immigration and Refugee Issues).

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Date index: 2023-12-21