[36] CPMR, Towards a new regional policy, May 2001, which considers that the Community effort should lie between 0.55% and 0.65% of Community GDP; Yorkshire and the Humber European Strategy Board, November 2001: 'The current limit on the budget for co
hesion - 0.45% - is inadequate given the extent of the problems faced by the Accession States and the on-going
problems that exist within the current EU 15 that will not be resolved by 2006'; Summary of views from the regions of Eastern Finland, August 2001; EUROCITIES response to the
...[+++]Second Cohesion Report, July 2001; Working memorandum by the region of Brittany, April 2001.[36] CRPM, « Vers une nouvelle politique régionale », mai 2001, document où il est écrit que l'effort communautaire doit se situer entre 0,55 et 0,65 % du PIB communautaire ; Yorkshire and the Humber European strategy board, novembre 2001 : « The current limit on the budget for coh
esion - 0.45 % - is inadequate given the extent of the problems faced by the Accession States and the on-going
problems that exist within the current EU 15 that will not be resolved by 2006 » ; Summary of views from the regions of Eastern Finland, August 2
...[+++]001 ; EUROCITIES réponse au deuxième rapport sur la cohésion, juillet 2001 ; Note de travail de la région Bretagne, avril 2001.