Since the serious crisis in the Italian citrus fruit sector, which has been going on for twenty years now, is still linked to structural and cyclical problems and the National Plan for this sect
or earmarks Lit 140 billion for
purposes other than income support, does the Commission not consider that it should top up the funds already allocated with a further Lit 500 billion to allow for income support of 3 million per hectare, since citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, mandarins and grapefr
uit) are cultivated over an area o ...[+++]f approximately 180 000 hectares?
Dans ces conditions, la Commission ne juge-t-elle pas être en devoir d'ajouter aux fonds déjà réservés une somme de Lires 500 milliards permettant de verser une aide au revenu de Lires 3 millions à l'hectare, les surfaces consacrées à la culture des agrumes (oranges, citrons, mandarines, pamplemousses) représentant 180 000 hectares environ ?