The President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso will celebrate in Poland, in Warsaw and in Gdansk, on 30 and 31 August, the 25th anniversary of the creation of the first independent trade union in Eastern Europe: Solidarnosc .He will use the visit to underline the huge benefits which solidarity has brought to the whole of the European continent and to pay tribute to the Polish people who, 25 years ago, were able to pave the way though peaceful means for democratic change.
Le Président de la Commission européenne José Manuel Barroso célébrera en Pologne, à Varsovie et à Gdansk, les 30 et 31 août prochains, le 25 anniversaire de la création du premier syndicat indépendant d’Europe de l’Est : Solidarnosc. Il soulignera à cette occasion les vertus de la solidarité pour le continent européen.