integrate specific ICT training for women within a broader process of cooperation between all the parties concerned: the education authorities and organisations, sc
hool and vocational guidance, the private and public sector, the training organisations, the lenders of capital, the central and/or regional and/or local authorities, equal opportunities organisations, undertakings, women's groups or associations; b) reorganise the school, university and vocational guidance services in such a way that they seek out rather than wait to be approached by the people concerned and encourage the participation of girls in higher education, particular
ly in tech ...[+++]nical and technological fields c) encourage the participation of women and girls in specific ICT training courses by providing more decentralised and more widely distributed education and training facilities; d) develop awareness and information measures so as to offer women and those around them images of women engaged in non-traditional activities, particularly those related to ICT activities
à intégrer une formation spécifique aux TIC à l'intention des femmes dans le cadre d'un processus plus large de coopération entre toutes les parties concernées, à savoir les autorités et organisations de l'enseignement, l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, les secteurs privé et public, les organismes de formation, les bailleurs de fonds, les autorités nationales et/ou régionales et/ou locales, les organisations actives dans le domaine de l'égalité des chances, les entreprises, ainsi que les groupes ou associations de femmes,