Mr. Clifford Mackay
: Leaving aside the international market and the transborder
market, in Canada there are essentially three
markets domestically: there's the long-haul
market, which includes routes such as Montreal to Vancouver or Toronto to Vancouver; there's what's called the regional
market, which is, for example, all of the various feeders in the prairies into places like Winnipeg, Calgary, or Edmonton; and then there's what's called the triangle, which is the
market that exists primarily in central Canada
...[+++].M. Clifford Mackay: Si on laisse de côté le marché international et le marché transfrontalier, il y a essentiellement trois marchés intérieurs au Canada: il y a le marché des lignes long-courrier, qui inclut des lignes de navigation comme celles qui relient Montréal à Vancouver ou Toronto à Vancouver. Il y a ce que nous appelons le marché régional, c'est-à-dire toutes les diverses lignes aériennes subsidiaires dans les Prairies qui se rendent par exemple à Winnipeg, Calgary ou Edmonton.