Without prejudice to the provisions of the second paragraph, Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that the conduct referred to in Chapter II as well as involvement in such conduct as an accessory or instigator and, with the exception of the conduct referred to in Article 4, the attempted commission of acts involving such conduct are punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties, including, at least in cases involving serious fraud, custodial sentences, which may lead to extradition .
Sans préjudice des dispositions du deuxième alinéa, les États membres prennent les mesures nécessaires pour assurer que les comportements visés au chapitre II, ainsi que la complicité, l'instigation et, à l'exception des comportements visés à l'article 4, la tentative relative audits comportements, sont passibles de sanctions pénales effectives, proportionnées et dissuasives, incluant, au moins dans les cas impliquant une fraude grave, des peines privatives de liberté pouvant entraîner l'extradition.