Salvation, as we head into the third millennium, will come .from those . voices which rise up everywhere to denounce injustice and, true to the very foundations of theatre, extract the essence of humankind, press it and transform it in order to share it with the whole world .These voices speak to everyone because, from the outset, they are aimed at a particular person, a particular public, which can be stirred at the recognition of its joys and its sorrows, which can cry and laugh at itself.
[.] Le salut, au début de ce troisième millénaire, viendra [.] de ces [.] voix qui s'élèvent de partout pour décrier l'injustice et, en accord avec les fondations même du théâtre, extraire l'essence de l'être humain, la pressurer, la transposer pour la partager avec le monde entier.